Herbal medicine refers to the use of plants leaves, barriers, seeds, roots, bark or even flowers for medicinal purposes. This includes extraction of ingredients in the plant and using them to treat conditions and illnesses. Herbal medicine has a long history of use outside the conversional medicine. Herbal medicine has been in use long before recorded history in treatment and prevention of disease. Egyptian papyrus and ancient Chinese writings dates use of plants for medicinal purposes as long as early as 3,000 BC. Early in the 19th century when the use of chemical analysis became a reality, many scientists began to modify ingredients from plants and made their versions of plant compounds. Eventually, this lead to decline of herbal medicine in favor of chemical drugs. Recently the herbal medicine has been seen to regain popularity in many parts of the world. The World Health Organization has recently estimated that about 80% of the world population relies on herbal medicines as a part of their personal primary health care. For instance, it is estimated that about 600 – 700 plant-based medicines are available in Germany, and about 70% of the German physicians prescribe them to their patients. It is estimated that 7000 compounds present in modern days drugs are derived from plants.
One interesting thing about herbal medicine is that some plants that are considered poisonous under normal circumstances are still used for medicinal purposes. It is reported that herbs have been used in the treatment of unlikely conditions like anxiety and bad dreams. The effectiveness of herbal medicine is determined by many factors. A whole herb is made up of many ingredients that may work together to bring forth an effect that is beneficial to the user. The presence of a wide range of ingredients in the plant makes it possible for one plant to be used to treat different kinds of diseases and conditions. Factors like the climatic condition in which a plant grow can affect its medicinal value.The time of harvesting and processing of the herbs also play a role in determining how effective a particular herbal medicine will be. Researchers have found out that the effect of the whole plant can be more beneficial than just a part of it. For instance, some ingredient in a plant can cause allergic reactions to the skin of the user, but at the same time the plant contains other ingredients that work to counter the negative effects hence using the whole plant becomes more beneficial. It is worth mentioning that many scientists who practice herbal medicine are not sure which specific ingredient in the plant works in the treatment of a particular illness or a condition.
When used correctly, herbal medicine has proved to be effective in the treatment of many conditions. It has been said that herbal medicine has been used in the treatment of conditions with fewer side effects as compared to chemical drugs. However, herbal medicines are not well regulated, and this may results to a product containing additives and contaminations that are not listed on the label and hence adverse side effects may result. Some herbal medicines are known to cause allergic reactions and may also interact with conventional drugs.Some herbal products can also be toxic if used inappropriately. It has also been found out that some herbal medicine can negatively affect the way the body responds to conventional drugs. It is, therefore, recommended that one does not use herbal medications independently but always consult those knowledgeable as far as herbal medicine is concerned.