Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child?. by Lynn Marotz. Eighth edition.

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March 28, 2020

Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child?. by Lynn Marotz. Eighth edition.

A.Use your textbook to answer the first 2 questions.

1. Identify and describe (4 sentences each) the 3 common vision disorders in young children. Write a 3 sentence
description for each hearing problem; conductive loss, sensorineural loss, and mixed hearing loss. What is an
allergen? Identify and describe the four major classifications of allergic reactions. Give an example of an
allergen for each category. Name and describe (2 sentences each) the 4 common types of seizures.
2. Identify and discuss (2 sentences each) the 3 factors that are necessary for a communicable illness. List and
describe (3 sentences each) the 4 stages of communicable illness. When a classroom of children is exposed to a
child with a contagious illness why don’t all of the children become ill?

B. Visit the website

1. From the left-hand menu, click on Growth & Development. From the category list choose Senses. Read the article
The Senses and You 1-to-2-year-old. Write a 2 sentence summary of each sense.
2. From the left-hand menu click on Emotions & Behaviors. From the category list choose Feelings and Emotions.
Read the articles Developing Your Child’s Self-Esteem. Write a 5 sentence summary of article.
3. Read Helping Kids Cope with Stress. Write a 5 sentence summary of article.
4. Also, what one tip in each article did you like and why did you like it (3 sentences each).
C. Read the article Atlanta anti-obesity ads “risk child stigma”
By Kate Dailey BBC News, Washington
1. Write a 3 paragraph (4 sentences each) summary of the article.
2. Are you for or against the ads and why (6 sentences)?

D. Read the article Parents”do not recognize obesity in their children”.

1. Write a 3 paragraph (5 sentences each) summary of the article.
2. Which influence mentioned in the article do you feel has the most impact on the problem and why (5 sentences)?

E. Read the article Children ‘changing the way we eat’.

1. Write a 2 paragraph ( 4 sentences each) summary of the article.
2. What was positive about this article (4 sentences)?

F. Read the article Are Kids Happier than Adults

1. Write a 3 paragraph (5 sentences each) summary of each of the following the importance of fun, less stress, and
healthier lifestyle.

G. Watch the CBS 60 min segment on Apps for Autism.
1. Write a 3 paragraph (5 sentences each) summary of the video.
2. What one thing about the video surprised you and why did it (5 sentences).