Guidelines: 1Please obtain 3 CURRENT AND SCHOLARLY articles from the USA addressing current health care finance issues. These must be from any of the online libraries, please download the articles and attach them alongside the completed paper.
(1) scholarly article from the following areas: (a) Medicare or Medicaid, (b) Private Health Insurance, and (c) Uninsured; Affordable Care Act (total of 3 articles in 3 separate areas). 2 Please synthesize and critique the selected readings and write a two page synopsis of their articles. 3. APA format
Grading Criteria: 1. The student briefly identifies the topic or area of interest. 2. The comments are written as a thoughtful analysis and critique versus a summary of what was said in the article. Do not merely summarize the text, but critically examine the information and discuss the issues. 3. Every attempt should be made to keep the critique to the page limit unless the writer has a special interest in the area.
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