Case Study Analysis Paper 3: A Tale of Two Coaches (Benchmark Assessment)
July 30, 2020
Intelligence Collection Techniques
July 30, 2020


The research component is a standard research paper. This research paper should be conceptual, not empirical (i.e., it should not involve the statistical analysis of data). Detail follows:
PART 1: Topic and introduction (600 words)consists of:
Working title of the paper (this paper seeks to address a business problem which is health and safety in the workplace as a function or activity of human resource management)
Importance of conducting research in health and safety in the workplace and how it will benefit both the company and the employee (roughly 300 words)
General background about the health and safety in the workplace and how it is an important part of human resource management, for the uninitiated reader (roughly 300 words)
PART 2: Literature review and starting bibliography (1,000 words)consists of: This part is an introductory part for the following part which is the main thesis (PART 3). It should focus on the topic of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) as a complex area which interacts widely with a broader spectrum of Human Resource Management and its concerns. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) policies express an organizations commitment to a safe and healthy workplace. OSH policies set the context for practices and behavior aimed at preventing injury and disease and promoting good health. OSH policies are also the framework for dealing with health and safety issues that do arise in the workplace and they help organizations comply with legal requirements.
Literature review proper (entire word count)
Subdivides the main problem into 3-6 subtopics (roughly 150-350 words each) the subtopics can include the following:
Refusal to work because of unsafe conditions
Violence in the workplace
Dangerous equipment/material
Emergency procedures
Lifting heavy objects
First aid skills requirements
Individual responsibilities
Workplace rules and procedures
Employee orientation and training
Workplace inspections (preventive action)
Reporting and investigating accidents and health and safety incidents
Health and safety committee (required in most provinces and territories in workplaces with a specified minimum number of employees)
Explores business theories and concepts that can help inform a solution (this part should be driven from peer-reviewed journals about occupational safety and health as a part of human resource management)
Bibliography (not part of the word count)
Al least Six peer-reviewed sources from TROY Online Libraries (no websites!)

Reputable websites can be used like , , and
All of these sources must have actual authors, not anonymous
The writer adds additional sources to the bibliography as they emerge naturally from the ongoing research. The properly alphabetized bibliography goes at the end of the paper in the final draft, in accordance with APA style.
PART 3: Main thesis (1,200 words) Employers and employees share responsibilities for making sure work environments are healthy and safe. This part is a continuous part of the literature review in which you have to elaborate more about the subtopics of occupational health and safety. It should focus on why employers are responsible for ensuring a healthy and safe work environment, and why employees are required to follow instructions and any legal requirements regarding health and safety rules. This part can talk about several organizations specialized or known for their safety measures. These organizations can be international like Occupational Safety and Health Administration in America as a global example, and compare it to a local organization like Dubai Dry docks. We need to compare between these 2 organizations in terms of how each organization intends to provide healthy and safe systems of work.
The main thesis consists of:
Thesis introduction (roughly 240 words)
Announces specifically what the writer will address in this section
Provides detailed context so the reader can follow the logic appropriately
Thesis body (roughly 720 words)
Subdivides the thesis into 3-4 subsections (roughly 180-240 words each)
Draws from the theories and concepts in the literature review
Thesis summary (roughly 240 words)
Recaps the problem and solution presented in the thesis body
Reinforces the best points to persuade the reader
PART 4: Recommendations for business practice (1,000 words)consists of:
Generally 3-6 one-sentence statements recommending relevant policy to employers
For each statement, appropriate logic, referring back to the arguments in the main thesis
This part should highlight any problem or trend that is commonly found in and health safety measures in most organizations. For example, do companies care about the emotional health of their workers? Or only focusing on their physical health? Are these measures done based on specific needs analysis or done randomly? What are the practices for conflict resolution and What about the future of green jobs design?
PART 5: Discussion and conclusion (600 words)consists of:
Implications of recommendations to business success in other business areas
General recommendations for future business research