Medical Technology Improvements
May 25, 2020
Management of Change
May 25, 2020

Hazard Mitigation Excercise

Hazard Mitigation Excercise

Hazard Mitigation Exercise. (60 points) Access the on-line hazard mitigation worksheet from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency through the folder located on the course content page. Complete the worksheet using your community, or a community of your choice, as the focus for the mitigation study. This exercise requires a degree of research and analysis and will give you great insight to the number and scope of hazards in your area. Thorough data collection for this exercise requires time. You should start data collection immediately in order to have enough time to collect, synthesize and report on the data. The completed exercise will be a minimum of eight (8) pages, not including the title page and reference page. A thorough exercise, particularly one including charts and graphs, will exceed this minimum by several pages. The template and further explanation for this exercise are available in the corresponding folder on the course content page. As you conduct your research and work through the exercise, do not hesitate to message me with questions. Submit your paper as an attachment in the corresponding folder found in the assessment section. The Rubric for the Hazard Mitigation Exercise appears on the next page. this assignment I believe is going to be based off of the previous research paper you did for me (web research activity A, B, C, AND D). I am going to upload two files over to you for the instructions you may need to use the book for this class to conduct this research assignment. Haddow, Bullock, and Coppola, (2007), Introduction to Emergency Management, 4th Edition.