Pathophysiology of heart failure
September 17, 2020
Management Research Paper
September 17, 2020

Growth and sustainability

This paper purposes to explore two ventures and relate them to the growth and sustainability paradigms. The growth paradigm brings about the concept of expansionism in a business venture, while the sustainability paradigm explores the concept of maintenance in the business world, which is always competitive. The telecommunications venture is selected for the growth paradigm, with the AT & T Inc. being the company of choice. On the other hand, the real-estate venture has been selected for the sustainability paradigm, with Milestone Community Builders being chosen as a company for exemplification.

The telecommunications sector comes out as one of the sectors in business that exhibits growth every day of the year. The link to IT & T is The reason for choosing this sector to exemplify growth paradigm is because of the need and demand demonstrated in this sector. Innovations, guided by market pull and technology push are always being made in this sector, replacing the already existing ones. In supporting growth paradigm, Baum, Locke and Smith (2001) points to the fact that the telecommunications sector counts as one of the fastest growing among the others, in the world. Everyday people are in need of using a new device that has been discovered in the sector. The invention of the iPad has further expanded the rate of growth in this very important sector. The growth is also triggered by the variety of the items that the sector deals with. Information from the IT & T website (2013) shows the many items that the company deals with, that contribute to its day by day growth.

The sustainability paradigm is exhibited by the real estate sector. Going hand in hand with growth is sustainability. The real estate sector deals with provision of goods and services in that relate to the basic needs of a human being. Man cannot do without the real estate sector. The rapid increase in population also contributes to the sustainability of the venture. Coupled with this is the fact that real estate deals long-lasting goods. A look at the website of Milestone Community Builders (2014) shows the variety of services and goods that the company offer that enables them to keep in the market. One advantage of these companies, as observed by Ostgaard (1996), is that they are able to sustain interconnections and networks that keep them going. The growing need for the goods and services that these companies provide will never end in the world. For this reason, these companies too will not cease from existing.

From these reflections, I have appreciated the importance of making a survey in the market once one wants to make a venture. This will give one a glimpse of which ventures will give back the invested capital. I have learnt that the telecommunication sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy, and that the real estate sector is one of the sectors embracing the sustainability paradigm. In lieu of this, one has to consider these two paradigms when making a venture. Further, this has a big effect to me as an entrepreneur. It has imparted skills in me to make a diagnosis in the market, and the economy and know which the best sector to venture is. For me to do this well and succeed, I now know that I should consider the future, thus apply the growth and the sustainability paradigms.


Baum, R.J., Locke, A.E., & Smith, K.G. (2001). A multidimensional model of venture growth. Academy of Management, 44 (2): 292-303.

IT & T. (2013). Available at

Milestones Community Builders. (2014). Retrieved online from

Ostgaard, A.T. (1996). New venture growths and personal networks. Journal of Business Research, 36 (1): 37-50.