Imagine you are an administrator for a growing company. Your company decides to purchase another company that designs and manufactures components used in the widgets that your company designs, manufactures, and sells. Both companies have an Active Directory infrastructure. Suggest a strategy that includes the components that you would need to put in place to combine the two (2) companies in a way that allows the employees of your company to access the resources in the purchased company and vice versa.
Suppose you configure the two (2) companies from the first part of this discussion in a way that allows you to access the resources of the other company. Describe the methods or technologies you would use to protect those resources so that only authorized users can access the necessary resources. Provide a rationale for chosen methods / technologies.
Select three (3) of the twelve (12) core competencies for IT professionals from Chapter 14 of the Roberts text. Rank each one (1) according to its importance for IT professionals to possess in order to develop their careers and compete in the job market. Justify your ranking.
Select three (3) of the twelve (12) core competencies for IT professionals from Chapter 14 of the Roberts text. Rank each one (1) according to its importance for IT professionals to possess in order to develop their careers and compete in the job market. Justify your ranking.
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions