Group work experience. Academic Essay

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Group work experience. Academic Essay

How did your group work together for the Role-Play assignment? Did anyone take on specific Task or Relational roles? Was there an emergent leader? If so, how did he or she lead the group? If it was you, what did you experience? Do you feel your group moved through the four stages of development? (Orientation, Conflict, Emergence, Reinforcement)
Overall, what are your thoughts about working in groups and teams? You may include experiences other than class.

The group work we presented were about the social conflict happened in a friends dinner meeting. two boys and two girls, those two girls weren’t really a close friend, and one of the girl named Cristina made some weird comment about another girls Abby’s wearing. than Cristina ask Abby to take a photo with her and posted on the Instagram without asking Abby’s opinion. Me and the other boys are the peace maker and the joker role in the role play.

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions