Gordon Rule Research Paper Communication Topics
Please choose one of the following topics. Spend at least 4 pages explaining the topic. Then view movie related to the topic and use at least 2 pages of your paper explaining how the movie embodied the topic. These topics will be the only topics you will be allowed to choose from to write your paper.
Topic/Theory of Communication Related Movie
Symbolic Interactionism My Fair Lady or Nell
Coordinated Management of Meaning Chocolat or Don Juan DeMarco
Expectancy Violation Theory How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days or
Catch me if you Can
Social Penetration Theory Shrek or Sleepless on Seattle
Symbolic Convergence Theory Dead Poet Society or Paper Clips
Cognitive Dissonance Theory 10 Things I hate about you or Swing Kids
Cultural Approach Good Morning, Vietnam or The Firm
Narrative Paradigm Big Fish or Forrest Gump
Agenda-setting Theory Wag the Dog or All th President’s Men
Spiral of Silence Mississippi Burning
Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory Witness or The Chosen
The Rhetoric (Neo-Aristotelian) The Apostle or My Cousin Vinny
Face-negotiation Theory Joy Luck Club or Antz
Speech Codes Theory Dances with Wolves or Billy Elliot
Genderlect Styles When Harry Met Sally or Steel Magnolias
Standpoint Theory Waiting to Exhale or Beloved
•All papers must be cited with both in-paper (in-text) and end paper (reference) citations in proper format for the paper. Any paper not cited properly, or found to be plagiarized without citation will receive an automatic failing grade.
•Please note that cover pages and reference pages are not part of the 6 page count of the research paper