Glossary Words/expressions/terminology

Ethics in business
May 22, 2020
Multi-Racial Children
May 22, 2020

Glossary Words/expressions/terminology

Glossary Words/expressions/terminology

Order Description

1. Choose any subject related to your pathway (SCIENCE) and find 2-3 articles/texts related to the subject from one or more of the following websites:
€¢ New Policy Institute:
€¢ The Guardian:
€¢ Office of National Statistics:
2. Read the articles and look out for:
€¢ People/organisations related to the subject
€¢ Abbreviations (e.g. NEET)
€¢ Words/expressions/terminology related to the subject
€¢ Any other new academic/formal words from the articles
3. Complete the glossary task on the next page. You should aim to include 2 items for each table A-D (a total of 8 items). If you cannot find 2 for each table A-D, make sure you have 8 in total.

Portfolio Task 5: Glossary
Subject area chosen (e.g. work):

Harvard references for 2 or 3 articles found on this subject:
e.g. Kenway, P. (2014) Labour’s minimum wage plan is a mistake’, National Policy Institute, 21st May. Available at (Accessed: 21/11/14).

A.    Did you find any people or organisations related to the subject area in your articles?
Name of person or organisation    Which text you found this in? (1,2 or 3 above)    The role/field of the person/organisation
Examples: TUC,
Frances O’Grady    3    Trades Union Congress (TUC)
Head of the TUC

B.    Did you find any other useful abbreviations (e.g. NEET/BME) in your articles?
Abbreviation    Which text you found this in? (1,2 or 3 above)    Meaning
Example: NEET    1    (A person) not in employment, education or training

C.    Did you find any useful words/expressions/terminology related to your subject area?
Word/expression    Which text you found this in? (1,2 or 3 above)    Meaning (in your own words or give a definition from a named reliable source e.g via blue collar worker    2    A person whose work is primarily manual (Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology)

D.    Did you find any other new academic/formal words or expressions in your articles? (These do not need to be related to the subject area)
Word/expression    Which text you found this in? (1,2 or 3 above)    Meaning (in your own words or give a definition from a named reliable source)    Write your own example sentence using this word
Example: perception    1    A way of viewing something    Public perceptions of social problems are often inaccurate.