: Effective leader behaviour, Leading change & Innovation, participative leadership & Empowerment
August 27, 2020
: Building Cultural Bridges Inside American Business
August 27, 2020

Globalization Business

Globalization Business
Write an essay of between 1,300 and 1,500 words on ONE of the following questions.

Please note: The purpose of your essay is to:

1) Report on the research you have done

2) If appropriate, raise alternative points of view and considerations ignored or neglected by your sources

3) Articulate and defend your personal perspectives on these issues

The central skills you will be developing in this assignment are:

Critical Thinking and Analytical Reasoning
The Ability to Articulate and Defend Your Perspective In Writing.
NB: You are welcome to come and see me during office hours to discuss your choice of sources and/or show me plans and drafts of your essay. You can come as many times as you like.
Essay Guidelines: Please read carefully

Your essay must contain several references to and quotations from AT LEAST three relevant academic sources (books or peer-reviewed journal articles, no newspapers or websites please). These must be referenced properly, according to APA guidelines. These should be taken from those that I posted for you on mycourses.
Essays that contain less than three references/quotations to the above-mentioned academic sources will get a C or less.
Please upload your assignment on mycourses. I will not accept any assignments that are sent to me by email.
Any late assignments will be graded and capped at a C.
Students who fail the assignment or get a D will be allowed to redo the assignment, but it will be capped at a C.
Choose ONE of the following options:

1) What, according to Naomi Klein, is the difference between branding and advertising and how has branding influenced wages and working conditions in the developed and the developing world? Please conduct an in-depth analysis of ONE real-life example of a brand (eg Nike) to illustrate your answer. (Extracts from Klein’s No Logo available on mycourses; individual research on your chosen brand; personal reflection).

2) In your opinion, does outsourcing and the reality of global competition constitute a race to the bottom or is it simply an example of sourcing efficiencies? Please refer to the views of John Hilary, Martin Wolf and Matthew Sparke on this topic before positioning yourself in this debate. (Sources: uploaded chapters in weeks 1-3 from Hilary, Wolf and Sparke; personal reflection)

3) Consider ONE of the following corporations in the garment industry that relies heavily on outsourcing labour to Bangladesh: Primark, Next, Tesco, Marks and Spencer’s (clothes). To what extent does the behaviour of your chosen corporation support John Hilary’s argument that the garments industry in general is one of the worst offenders when it comes to maintaining high profits at the expense of the workers? Do you agree with him when he says that “ultimate responsibility” for this injustice “rests not at the national level but with the buyers and retailers that control the global supply chain and dictate the terms of its operation” (Hilary, p. 115)? Give reasons for your answer. (Hilary’s chapter on “Garments: Capitalism’s False Promise” in ‘The Poverty of Capitalism’, available on mycourses; plus two other academic sources posted for you on mycourses, plus personal reflection).

4) Summarise Huntington’s and Said’s views on the so-called ‘clash of civilizations’ theory and explain where you stand in this debate. Once you have done this, listen to the radio clip on Islamic youth culture again (available on mycourses, week 1). In your opinion, is the growth of an Islamic youth culture in Western Europe a positive development as far as cultural integration goes? Make sure you refer to specific examples of this Islamic youth culture in your answer. (Huntington’s article, Said’s lecture and the radio clip on Islamic Youth Culture in Western Europe: all available on mycourses).