Global Warming And Alternative Sources

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Global Warming And Alternative Sources

Global Warming And Alternative Sources

Global Warming and Alternative Energy Sources

People are inflicting major damage to the Earth’s environment, and if we don’t do anything to stop the destruction soon, the results could be devastating. Most people know about global warming and think it may be a serious problem in the future, but what most people don’t understand is that global warming is happening now. Every day we are feeling some of its destructive power, but we continue on our destructive path. Because of the dangerous effects of global warming, alternative energy sources need to be aggressively pursued. Finding and utilizing alternative energy sources may be the only way to combat the increase of global warming.
“Scientists agree that the main reason for global warming is the depletion of the ozone layer surrounding the Earth due to increased levels of carbon dioxide and the increased release of greenhouse gas emissions.” Dr. Robert Watson from The Alliance of Concerned Scientists also adds, “These atmospheric concentrations of emissions are directly linked to human activities.” Fossil fuel emissions from gasoline and oil account for 52% of greenhouse gas emissions while coal burning energy plants and coal burning factories account for another 44% of emissions released (Samuelson 31). Overall, Americans are adding to global warming the most as we continue to be ‘energy hogs’ by driving gas-guzzling SUVs, and being careless with energy draining appliances in our homes.
The destruction of forests around the world also adds to the problem by taking away the largest source of CO2 filters. Millions of trees are harvested each year due to increased demand for their byproducts, and, because of this, our environment suffers dramatically (Kenworthy 2). The United States accounts for over 51% of the energy used yearly through out the world. From 2000 – 2004 there was a 100% increase in greenhouse gas emissions in all established nations, and there seems to be no slowing down in the future with a projected 110% energy increase by 2010. At this rate scientists agree the world will be facing an energy crisis by 2020 if new energy sources aren’t found (McQuinn).
The results of global warming are undeniably negative for the human race. Over the past ten years, the average surface temperature of earth has risen five degrees. Even though five degrees doesn’t seem like a major change, it has caused a disruption in the Earth’s fragile ecosystem (Watson 3). This increase has caused the melting of the polar ice caps and glaciers, which has caused the sea level to rise by a reported inch and a half so far. If the temperature continues to rise, coastal areas could soon become flooded. Large parts of New York City, New Orleans, and other cities on or near the coast could be found under water in the near future (Watson 4). The disruption of the ecosystem has also been attributed to extreme weather changes. The world is experiencing warmer and more frequent heat waves, more extreme floods, longer and more devastating droughts, more frequent wild fires, more tornadoes, and many more hurricanes than ever before. The occurrence of forest fires in California has risen 15% in the past 3 years. Not to mention, the Western plains region is experiencing its longest reported drought in the past 200 years, and The Gulf Coast has experienced a 47% increase in hurricanes in the past two years alone (Samuelson 32). Lives and properties are lost due to extreme storms, and scientists believe they will only get worse as global warming continues.
Alternative energy sources may be the only answer to our growing world energy crisis. In the past century, humanity has made many great strides in the development of new energy solutions. One of the most utilized clean energy sources is nuclear energy because of its impressive efficiency. The past couple of years, there have been some concerns about nuclear energy plants and their safety. Chernobyl is still in the minds of many as more nuclear power plants are being built, but new technology and procedures are being adapted and nuclear power is now safer than it has ever been. Tom Kenworthy from the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment states, “Nuclear power very well could be the best choice to reduce the threat arguably posed by fossil fuels. It is a clean, practical alternative that would satisfy the world economy’s growing energy demand.” Today there are 212 nuclear power plants in the world and the number is expected to rise to 250 in the next five years. Nuclear power already provides 75% of power in France and 20% here in the United States (McQuinn). Like nuclear energy, wind energy is also becoming more popular and efficient. Large wind turbines powered completely by wind gusts generate up to 233 megawatts of power every minute (Roberts 12). Homeowners and farmers can now own their own wind turbines and have their unused energy purchased by energy companies.
Solar power is nothing new; it has been used for years to power small devices from calculators to watches, but what is new is its’ improved efficiency. Solar panels can be used to collect energy from the sun and now are being used on a much larger scale. Homeowners and business can use energy generated from the panels to power their homes and offices, and even have it purchased by energy suppliers. Solar power is proving to be a consumer friendly, economical, energy source available to the public.
The newest and most exciting energy alternative source today is the biofuel ethanol, which may be the permanent replacement of unleaded gasoline. Ethanol is almost entirely distilled field corn that has comparative fuel efficiency to gasoline. Unlike fossil fuels, Ethanol, when burned, emits no ozone depleting emissions or harmful gases. Ethanol is already being sold by some gas stations in the form of E85; an 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline blend. Many carmakers such as Ford, Toyota, and Hyundai are manufacturing cars that are able to run on higher concentrations of Ethanol fuel (McQuinn). The discovery and use of Ethanol has had a positive impact on American agriculture in that it is giving business to the American farmer for fuel needs instead of Middle Eastern oil titans, and keeping American money in the states instead of the unstable regions in the world. For all of alternative energy’s positive attributes, the general public has yet to fully jump onboard.
“The only major issue with alternative energy is its high price tag,” claims Dennis McQuinn from the Coalition for the Prevention of Global Warming. “Consumers have to pay much more for energy saving light bulbs, energy friendly appliances and other eco-friendly things. It’s no wonder that consumers rarely buy these products. They’re just too expensive for them, and it’s going to take a few years for production costs to go down.” A consumer survey taken in 2005 found that 70% of consumers who don’t buy ‘eco-friendly’ products realize that they are better for the environment, but don’t purchase them because of their higher price (McQuinn). The reason for the increased rates is the cost of the research that went into their improvement. Prices have already fallen, but will stay more expensive until there is more consumer interest.
The average American citizen is somewhat informed about global warming but feels that they as an individual have no impact, and that is a problem. Americans are so content with their day to day energy draining lives, that they view environmentally friendly changes in their conduct as unimportant and too much of a hassle. Other nations are similar to the US in the fact that major changes for the environment are viewed as something unnecessary (Kenworthy 1). Undeveloped nations put even less importance upon environmentally friendly practices because of their lack of understanding. Even if they did become aware of the damages they create, they wouldn’t have the resources to correct them. If we truly want to put a stop to global warming, it would take a complete stop of greenhouse gas emissions, which is totally unrealistic. People need to shift their views and start seeing the consequences of their actions and start doing something to correct them. Costs and citizen unawareness are the two biggest contributors to alternative energy underutilization.
What is the American government doing about the problem? According to Dr. Robert Watson from the ACS, they’re not doing enough. “The Bush Administration and the Republican Congressional majority have tried to dismiss every report on global warming. They refuse to acknowledge reality and refuse to fund absolutely any alternative energy research because of their ‘big oil’ influence.” It was reported that from 2000-2006 Shell oil donated $29,098,000.00 to congressional political campaigns, BP Amoco gave $31,673,000.00, Marathon oil gave a cool $34,370,000.00, Chevron donated $42,353,000.00 and Exxon-Mobile was the most charitable giving $72,839,600.00 to political campaigns (Roberts 4). This being taken into account, it is any wonder why congress and our president dismiss global warming reports and refuse to fund research for alternative fuels?
Japan and Germany, however, are making big advancements; their Nations are more energy independent and environmentally friendly due to research and support of alternative energy. Our country prides itself on having the best standard of living, military, economy, and even being the most technologically advanced, so why has the US fallen so far behind these other countries? We have some of the brightest scientists and many crucial resources for expanding knowledge, but we had to ‘copy’ Japan’s idea for a hybrid car and ‘borrow’ wind turbine plans from Germany. “It’s truly pathetic,” states Paul Roberts from The Alternative Resource Research Foundation, “America has stooped to playing copycat instead of taking some real initiative.” The US needs to get its head in the game if it wants to keep its ‘better-than-everyone-else’ title.
What’s not helping the global warming situation is the US’s continued reliance on foreign oil. The United States imports 65% of its oil, and it comes from unstable Middle Eastern countries (Roberts 4). Do we really want all of our oil money to go through those regions? If a major problem in the Middle East occurred, and oil trading was halted, American life would be crippled. An old phrase says it best, warning people that ‘you shouldn’t lean on others so much, they could let you fall.’ Americans are feeling the pain of rising gasoline prices at the pump when prices hit an all time high in July 2006 at $69.53 a barrel (McQuinn). More Americans, if given the chance, would choose an alternative, and the time to make that choice is now.
Energy sources we depend on now, like coal and oil, are non-renewable and will run out sometime. Because of the dangerous effects of global warming, alternative energy sources need to be aggressively pursued. Americans and other nations need to realize what they are doing to our environment, and that something needs to be done about global warming before it’s too late. People need to be proactive instead of reactive. We need to prevent a catastrophe due to global warming now instead of reacting afterwards when it may be more expensive and difficult to deal with. “Higher sea levels and more hurricanes are a warning. Nature is trying to tell us something is wrong, and this may only be the tip of the iceberg,” warns Dr. Watson from the ACS. Sadly, extreme results of global warming may be the only thing that will get people to change their ways. We need to look for and use an alternative now, before there is no alternative.

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