Given three samples of nucleic acid

Solution-Clinic complaining of multiple small hemorrhagic
April 26, 2020
Advantageous variant trait
April 26, 2020

Given three samples of nucleic acid

You are given three samples of nucleic acid and asked todetermine each sample’s chemical and physical identity. You usenucleases to completely degrade the samples in to their constituentnucleotides and determine their approximate relative proportions.The results are as follows. What can you deduce and why?

Sample 1        dAMP 37%     dCMP 12%    dGMP 13%     dTMP 38%

Sample 2        dAMP 43%     dCMP 35%    dGMP 15%     dTMP 7%

Sample 3        dAMP 35%     dCMP 15%    dGMP 15%     dTMP 10%     UMP 25%