Individual Case Analysis with Financial Analysis (including Excel Spreadsheets) .
Each student
will be responsible for analyzing and writing up brief report, as well as properly formatting an Excel spreadsheets for CASE #14: GETTING AN INSIDE LOOK – GIVEN IMAGING’S CAMERA PILL
No plagiarism
attach auditable excel sheet alongwith the report
demonstrating his/her understanding of the company’s strategic direction and the relevant financial metrics critical to establishing a competitive advantage for the firm. Each student will complete a thorough analysis and write-up of the assigned company . The project will require you to evaluate the current strategy and future potential ofthe company. Each student’s writeup
will evaluate the company along with an Executive Summary of the student’s findings/recommendations . The write-up of this project should be detailed and thorough, and will likely include information on the firm’s external environment and industry, the firm’s resources and capabilities,with emphases on its financial situation (with accompanying Excel spreadsheet analyses), possible strategies to address the firm’s situation, as well as your recommendations . The case will be assigned to by the professor . The written report should be no longer than seven (6 complete) typed, 12-font, double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins, including
the Executive Summary,relevant charts and graphs (remember one figure or table per page unless inserted in the body of the paper).This page count, however,does not include the Excel spreadsheet, table of contents, references, and appendices. No more that 15% of any written
assignment may be from other sources. The paper should be a Microsoft Word
document and
formatted per an appropriate style manual (e.g.,MLA, APA, Strunk & White,etc.). Be sure that the Excel spreadsheet is in a spreadsheet format with cells that are calculated and can be audited (do not download the spreadsheet into a Word file – it should remain a separate file) . The Executive Summary is part of the written portion of this assignment ,it should be no longer than one (1) page. Executive summaries are generally written for executives who most likely DO NOT have the time to read the original document. For this reason:
Executive summaries generally make recommendations
Accuracy is essential because decisions will be made based on your summary by people who have not read the original document
Serves as the doorway to the rest of the document
Even though the Executive Summary appears in the front of the printed document, most writers leave the writing until the end.
Be sure to relate your discussion to concepts and theories in the textbook. I want to understand how well you have grasped the material covered by the textbook. However, it is imperative that you go beyond the textbook to include other research resources.