Genre Bending Genre Blending

: Effective leader behaviour, Leading change & Innovation, participative leadership & Empowerment
August 27, 2020
: Building Cultural Bridges Inside American Business
August 27, 2020

Genre Bending Genre Blending

Did you meet the requirements of the brief? e.g., Did your presentation last the correct amount of time; did you explore how a paratext creates meaning?

•Did you show evidence of scholarly engagement and critical reading?

•Did you reiterate scholarly work, or apply it to your own examples?

•Did you make best use of the opportunity to present work verbally as well as visually?

•Did you show evidence of engagement with all of this module, or attempt to repeat material from other modules?

•When you produced your poster, did you pay attention to detail?

•Employers often ask to see examples of final year work. Would you be prepared to show your poster to a potential employer? Why/why not?

that might help this is one of her comment to one of the student, below
how the paratext creates meaning