Gender Criticism/Studies Academic Essay

Spirituality Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
Part  B: 30 Marks  ( Due  date:  5:00pm  Friday 2nd  September   2016)
August 15, 2020

Gender Criticism/Studies Academic Essay

Prepare a 5-10 page paper in which you analyze two texts; Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Everyday Use by Alice Walker. Be sure to begin by explaining the conventions of your theory’s perspective, and transition into an analysis that compares your two text selections in line with your theory’s approach. Please be sure to find outsides sources that support your claims about both your critical theory and each text. Sources must date back no further than 1980 and must fall into these categories:

2 critical peer-reviewed database articles supporting your analysis of the source material (1 per each text).
2 print sources relating to your chosen critical theory (book, magazine, or journal.)
2 web sources either about your critical theory or your selected texts (please do not utilize more than 2 web sources in the paper as a whole).
1 non-traditional or streaming media source (documentary, interview, movie, podcast, song, play, field research, etc.)
+2 texts you are doing your proposal on

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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions