Gastrointestinal reflux disease Academic Essay

Parent Interview
August 29, 2020
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August 29, 2020

Gastrointestinal reflux disease Academic Essay

For the presenters:
The Grand Rounds presentation should consist of a patient scenario that you experienced in your clinical setting or a diagnosis that has been covered within the course material prior to this week. This may be presented in or Microsoft Word format.
Your goal is to:
• Provide a case study to go with the diagnosis.
• Utilize research articles or other materials to support your findings.
• Identify any practice barriers, issues, or problems (including cultural diversity and healthcare literacy).
• Discuss best practices for optimal outcomes.
In addition to submitting your presentation, you will also need to lead a discussion. Here are some guidelines:
• To prepare for your presentation, rehearse the key points and findings of your research and think about points you can make to initiate the discussion and keep it going.
• Develop questions you can ask to initiate the discussion and keep it going.
• As you approach the end of the discussion period, ask participants to:
o Summarize the discussion.
Keep the presentation interesting, professional, and focused to the topic. APA format is expected and references should be cited

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions