Fundamentals of Software Engineering

Engineering Design and Communications
October 24, 2020
October 24, 2020

Fundamentals of Software Engineering

Related objectives from the unit outline:
• Demonstrate best practice in software processes and in the quality of the developed software by applying appropriate concepts, strategies and techniques in the various phases of software engineering.
• Develop appropriate artefacts/deliverables for each phase involved in the engineering of software.
Marks allocation: Worth 20% of the total mark for this unit Due date: 17th of April 2015 at 09:OOpm WST
Submission instructions:
To be submitted electronically via Blackboard.
Please ensure that you have read and understood the information on academic misconduct provided on the log-in page on BlackBoard.
Task: Modelling Security Requirements
The Unified Modelling Language or UML is considered to be the de-facto standard for modelling information systems today. Despite this, there have been several extensions to the UML. One such extension involves what are called Misuse Case Diagrams, a security-oriented extension to the standard Use Case Diagrams. Security is a major concern for many mission-critical applications. If software were designed correctly the first time, vulnerabilities would not exist. Misuse Case Diagrams are an attempt to solve this problem
Your task is to read the case study below, draw a use case diagram of the case study, and then draw a Misuse Case Diagram of the same problem.
Before attempting the task, you should read Sindre and Opdahl (2001) to find out about misuse cases, then read Johnstone (2011) to find out how to generate a misuse case diagram with a STRIDE matrix.
You should ask questions on the unit discussion board about the assignment in order to clarify ambiguities.
In your Word document include:
• A Use Case Diagram of the Case Study described below;
• A Misuse Case Diagram derived from the above, using the method specified in Johnstone (2011);
• A STRIDE matrix
• A list of misuse cases derived from the above; and
• A list of security use cases derived from the above.