ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 20% [500 words, due Friday 27th March]An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources, each of which is followed by a brief note or annotation.These annotations do one or more of the following: describe the content and focus of the book or article
suggest the sources usefulness to your research
evaluate its method, conclusions, or reliability
record your reactions to the source.Annotations are useful in helping you map an area of research, in referencing and for tracking your own ideas. As such it will help you both with your final assignment in this unit and with your further studies in your degree.In this assignment you need to collect 5 references into a bibliography, all of which should be linked to the theme of social science. Its your task to pick the actual topic (some random examples: human health and climate change, disability rights in Australia, using mixed methodology in researching the global economy, sex dating and relationships on university campuses, migration patterns in 21st century Europe, surveillance in everyday life, sport and class in Australia) . The types of references you need to include are: a book
a book chapter
a journal article
a website (not the same as articles or books accessed via a computer!)
PLUS 1 other references of any type