For this section you are going to review 10 articles that relate to your thesis with the purpose of advancing your knowledge and seeing what informati

June 3, 2020
Explain how internal and external factors affect the four functions of management
June 3, 2020

For this section you are going to review 10 articles that relate to your thesis with the purpose of advancing your knowledge and seeing what informati

Review of Literature:

For this section you are going to review 10 articles that relate to your thesis with the purpose of advancing your knowledge and seeing what information,

ideas, and viewpoints are being discussed surrounding your issue and core topic. You should review 10 credible articles from books; magazines; web sites; documentaries; newspaper releases; and scholarly journals.

A thorough review of the literature should be at least 3-4 paragraphs, summarizing and discussing the article in your own words. So, you can estimate writing at least one page per each of your 10 sources.

A good review of literature will be anything but passive. It will include the summaries but just as importantly it should include analysis, questions, how it is relevant or relates to your thesis, and even connections between sources.

Please cite all your sources within your summary and include a final sentence stating the credibility of each source.

—————- Thesis :

Melting Pot vs. Salad Bowl

When the country faces to globalization, there are two tracks to take. First track is spreading out of the country’s culture, firms, human resources, and products to the world. It is external factors of globalization. However, there is internal factors of globalization. It is how to accept the culture,

firms, human resources, and products from the world. Almost every country faces the globalization but most of them is composed of same ethnic. Therefor there are two choices of internal globalization. ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ or the country have to admit various cultures of immigrants as a salad bowl.

