Begin working on your course project outline and literature review, which is due in Unit 5.
A literature review traces the genealogy of a topic in the field; it notes the history of the topic and the notable perspectives of others in the field who have addressed the topic. The purpose of a literature review is to demonstrate that a writer has insightfully and critically surveyed relevant literature in order to convince a targeted audience that this topic is worth addressing. The literature review is not intended to report the literature, but instead to synthesize it.
Post a brief introduction to the outline you created in this unit’s assignment. Attach your Counseling Case Study outline from this unit’s assignment for your peers to comment on.
Discussion 2
Consider a situation that happened in the workplace, in which you or someone you know was treated unfairly based on reasons stemming from individual differences. As you summarize this experience, discuss the following:
There has been increasing tension between teachers of different races regarding how children are being disciplined the in African American households in their school district. Many Caucasian teachers (80% of the teacher population) believe that the methods of discipline are inappropriate, while African American teachers (a vast minority of teachers in the district) largely believe that the methods of punishment are appropriate for their culture.
You have been asked to provide cultural sensitivity training to teachers in the school district. The goal is to increase cultural and ethnic awareness for each of the teacher groups so they can foster a better understanding of one another’s point of view and deescalate the tension between the groups.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations.
Competency 2: Analyze individual cultural competencies.
Competency 3: Analyze culturally and developmentally appropriate intervention strategies.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human services profession.
Write an outline of a presentation (not a full presentation) to be given to the teachers that provides guidance on how to address the issue. The point of this outline is to detail how you would approach the task and to identify areas that need to be included when addressing this multicultural conflict.
Minimally you should:
You may also consider the following questions: