Food Safety Codes of Practice

Solution-What is the function of the signal sequence located
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020

Food Safety Codes of Practice

Food Safety Codes of Practice

Order Description

Topic: Food Safety Codes of Practice.

Scope: 1. Compare and Contrast the following standards:

BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 6,

ISO EN NSAI 22000:2005 standard and

One other Industry Codes of practice of your choice ( BIM Standard)

2. Comment upon whether your chosen code of practice could or could not be accredited by the GFSI (6th Ed) stating your reasons. ( ) (Maximum 300 word)

Guidance :

Read the standards

No need to do forensic examination

Or reproduce the exact detail of the standards

Focus on the general similarities and differences

Critically comment on the standards, their application, relevance, usability..

For example, BRC is not as prescriptive as Irish Standards, which specify certain CCP critical limits and corrective actions e.g. Temperatures and times.

-iso 22000:2005 for food safety did not meet FSI certificate ?