Food For Thought: Reproductive Technology

Cross Training Staff Academic Essay
September 3, 2020
The utilization of ISO standards are voluntary, which gives a company with a complex environmental foot print a choice about what aspects of Categorie
September 3, 2020

Food For Thought: Reproductive Technology

Food For Thought: Reproductive Technology
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Food For Thought: Reproductive Technology

Discussion Forum Question #1 – Suppose a woman is a celebrity whose income depends on her being “body ready” for her next role. She also wants to be a mother and has unlimited income to invest in a child that will meet her specifications of the “right baby”. Also suppose the technology that she desires is now readily available.
1. From an ethics standpoint, how do you defend her decision to have the baby she desires? How would you refute the ethics of such a decision?
2. How could being a baby created by technology and according to specifications affect the child? How could it affect the child as he or she becomes an adult?
3. What, if any, limitations should be placed on the baby business?

Please use two references. One reference should be from the book and another reference from the internet

Book reference: Health Care Ethics Critical Issues for the 21st century Third Edition by Eileen Morrison and Beth Furlong

This assignment is for a group discussion. It should be answered in paragraph form and not question answer.