FOOD AND THE BODY: Foucault and eating disorders
GENDER, HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE(this the model title).
FOOD AND THE BODY( the topic title )
Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa could be seen as a form of docile body as discussed by Foucault (1977).â€
Discuss the above statement with reference to Laura Mulvey’snotion of The Male Gaze as well as the ideas discussed by Foucault in Discipline and Punish (1977).
In this essay you should demonstrate your knowledge of Foucault’s idea of the docile body including a discussion of the disciplined body and the concept of surveillance. You should also draw on Laura Mulveys notion of the male gaze. You need to explore and discuss the way in which the bodies of those suffering eating disorders can be understood as ‘docile bodies’ and the outcome of external and internal surveillance of society. You might also want to discuss how the role of the media and the increasing monitoring of bodies in the social sphere can lead to the development of eating disorders
You can also include a discussion of:
What eating disorders are
The causes of eating disorders- both social and physiological/psychological (but don’t spend too much time on this discussion)
The Beauty myth (Naomi Wolf)
The writings of Susan Bordo
A discussion of Foucault idea of the docile body drawing on his writings in Dicipline and Punish.
please follow all those structures and don’t miss any point of them.Also please check the pp. the lesson slides (attached files.
follow the academic essay structure.
introduction(introduce the topic,definition,highlight the main points will discuss).
main body(background,argument,)
conclusion(brief the main points that discussed)
helping resources:
recommended readings-
Anschutz, D.J et al (2008) The bold and the beautiful. Influence of body size of televised media models on body dissatisfaction and actual food intake. Appetite 51. 5305374
Barker, P. (1993) Michel Foucault:: subversions of the subject. London Harvester Weatsheaf
Banyard, K. (2011) The equality illusion. Faber and Faber. London Chapter One ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall: Waking up to body image’.
Bordo, S. (1995) Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body. University of California Press (Part Two: The body and reproduction of feminity is available at:
Bell, M. (2006) Re/Forming the anorexic ‘Prisoner’ Inpatient medical treatment as the return to panoptic feminity. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies Vol. 6 no. 2282-307
Bell, M. (2009) @ the Doctor’s Office: pro-anorexia and the medical gaze. Surveillance & Society 6(2) Available at:
Bordo, S. (1992) The body and the reproduction of feminity: A feminist appropriation of Foucault in Jagger, A.M and Bordo, S. (eds) (1992) Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing. Rutgers. Available at:
Burns, M. (2004) Eating Like an Ox: Femininity and Dualistic Constructions of Bulimia and Anorexia. Feminism & Psychology Vol. 14(2): 26929
Available at:
Chan, Z.C. Ma, J.L (2002) Family themes of food refusal: disciplining the body and punishing the family. Health Care for Women International 23(1):49-58
Danaher, G (2000) Understanding Foucault. London: Sage
Duits, L. van Zoonen, L. (2008) Headscarves and Porno-Chic
Disciplining Girls’ Bodies in the European Multicultural Society. European Journal of Women’s Studies. vol. 13 no. 2 103-117
Evans, A. et al (2010) Technologies of Sexiness: Theorizing Women’s Engagement in the Sexualization of Culture. Feminism Psychology. vol. 20 no. 1 114-131
Fillingham, L. A. (1993) Foucault for beginners. London. Writers and Readers
Foucault, M. (1979) Discipline and Punish: the birth of the prison. Hammondsworth: Penguin
Foucault, M. (1973) The birth of the clinic: an archaeology of medical perception. London: Tavistock Publications
Foucault, M. (1986) The History of sexuality / Vol.2, The use of pleasure. London: Viking
Friedan, B. Quindlen, A. (1963) The Feminine Mystique. W. W. Norton & Company
Frost, L. (2005) Theorizing the Young Woman in the Body. Body and Society Vol. 11 No. 1 63-85
Gill, R.; Henwood, K. McLean, C. (2005) Body projects and the regulation of normative masculinity. London: LSE Research Articles Online. Available at:
Gutting, G. (2005) Foucault: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford. Oxford University Press
Hesse-Biber, S. et al (2006) The mass marketing of disordered eating and Eating Disorders: The social psychology of women, thinness and culture. Women’s Studies International Forum 29 208224
Heyes, C.J. (2009) Diagnosing Culture: Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Cosmetic Surgery. Body Society Vol. 15no. 4 73-93
Holliday, R. and Sanchez Taylor, Jacqueline (2006) ‘Aesthetic Surgery as False Beauty’, Feminist Theory, 7(2), pp. 179-195.
Mason, H. (1998) The thin woman: feminism, post-structuralism and the social psychology of anorexia nervosa. London: Routledge
Mcnay, L (1992) Foucault And Feminism: Power, Gender, and the Self. Northeastern.
Rabinow, P (1991) The Foucault reader. Hammondsworth: Penguin
Renee, A. B. (2003) For Your Health? The Relationship Between Magazine Reading and Adolescents’ Body Image and Eating Disturbance. Sex Roles, Vol. 48, Nos. 9/10
Sarwer, D.B. and Spitzer, J.C. (2012) Body Image Dysmorphic Disorder in Persons Who Undergo Aesthetic Medical Treatments. Aesthetic Surgery Journal vol. 32 no. 8 999-1009
Shilling, C. (1993) The body and social theory. London: Sage
Schwan, A. (2001) Disciplining female bodies: Women’s imprisonment and Foucault. Unpublished manuscript. Available at:
Thompson-Brennera, H. et al (2011) Representation of ideal figure size in Ebony magazine: A content analysis. Body Image 8 373 378
Turner, B.S. (1996) Body and society: explorations in social theory. London. Sage
Veale, D. (2000) Outcome of cosmetic surgery and ‘DIY’ surgery in patients with body dysmorphic disorder. The Psychiatrist 24: 218-220
Available at:
Wilcox, K and James D. Lair (2000) The Impact of Media Images of Super-Slender Women on Women’s Self-Esteem: Identi?cation, Social Comparison, and Self-Perception. Journal of Research in Personality 34, 278286
Wolf, N. (2002) The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women. Harper Perennia