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Part One: Fluency Reading Plan
1. In fourth grade classrooms, there are great books that could become the basis for instruction in fluency reading. Choose one book and provide the title, author, and a brief synopsis.
2. Create a 5-day mini unit of study in which you unfold a plan for developing students’ fluency.
3. Include at least five different lesson plans that you could incorporate, and a unit assessment plan that utilizes various types of assessment, such as formative, summative, informal, formal, and/or authentic performance.
4. APA format is not required for this part of the assignment, but solid academic writing is expected.
Part Two: Mini Unit Overview
1. Provide a brief overview of your mini unit. This should be 1,000-1,250 words in length and summarize the major theme of the unit.
2. Prepare this part of the assignment according to the APA guidelines