Find the mutant allele, A pure breeding wildtype male fish

Determine the order of the genes on the chromosome
April 27, 2020
scenairo paper
April 28, 2020

Find the mutant allele, A pure breeding wildtype male fish

A pure breeding wildtype male fish has the following phenotypes: red fins, yellow eyes and frilly fins. It is crossed with a female fish with the following mutant phenotypes: blue fins, brown eyes and straight fins. In the FI generation, all female fish are normal, while all males have straight fins. A F1 female is crossed with a multiply homozygous (or, possibly, hemizygous) recessive male fish, producing the following progeny:

Brown eyes – 23
brown eyes, straight fins – 25
blue fins – 26
blue fins, brown eyes – 130
blue fins, brown eyes, straight fins – 125
straight fins – 122
blue fins, straight tails- 22
Total – 600

a) Which of the genes, if any, are X-linked?
b) wich of the mutant allele, if any, are dominant?
c) carry out a Chi-square test.
d) label whether each phenotype combination is parental (PAR) or recombinant (REC)