Find out the order of the genes on the chromosome

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April 28, 2020

Find out the order of the genes on the chromosome

Q. Assume we have three linked genes, all of which control different aspects of the same phenotype. We perform a testcross of a triple heterozygote (a+b+c+/a b c) with a triply homozygous recessive (a b c/a b c) and then count the number of progeny in each of the phenotypic classes. There are a total of 550 progeny. Organize the genotype in the table, define the origin (parental, single cross-over progeny and double-crossover progeny) and find out the order of the genes on the chromosome.

a+b+c+ 200
a b+c+ 66
a+b c+ 19
a b c+ 5
a b c 180
a+ b c 54
a b+ c 20
a+b+ c 6

Want to know genotype of gamete from heterzygous parent, number, and orgin of each. Also the order of genes.