This is a paper/project for my finance investmens and analysis class. It doesn’t necessarily need to be 3 pages, really however many pages you need to accomplish all of the requirements. It can be 2 pages if that’s all you need to do. Below is the assignment:
The Project is to select at least three public companies with total investment budget of $1 million. You should consider yourself as a money manager on how to invest your capitals on financial assets to obtain sustainable rate of return. Your investment period should be from Jan. 1, 2016 to May 1, 2016. You can use weekly or monthly data in your report.
The followings are the list of the concepts that you should include in your portfolio (you can think & do beyond the requirements in order to be excellent).
The concepts you should include in your portfolio:
1. Discuss the macroeconomic and industry investment environment that you are investing
2. Based on the knowledge on equity valuation and financial statement you should show the reasoning on the stocks you selected
3. You should consider hedge your portfolio with options or futures
4. You should show each stock and your portfolio’s investment holding period return (HPR).
5. During the same investment period, calculate the arithmetic mean (AM) and geometric mean (GM) for each stock and your portfolio.
6. In your final document you should present your portfolio’s Sharp ratio and conclusion of your investment
7. You should have a reference section in your final project paper to indicate or link your data and research resources.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions