final project report Academic Essay

Life Cycle of Infrastructural Projects Academic Essay
August 17, 2020
CRM PLAN Academic Essay
August 17, 2020

final project report Academic Essay

Practical or Research Report Rubric: Grading Criteria (60% of assessment)
Levels of Achievement Mark
Criteria Graduate certificate fail (8)
Graduate certificate pass (8)
MBA fail (9) Graduate certificate exceeds (8)
MBA pass (9)
P C MBA exceeds (9)

Explain and apply research concepts/techniques
Weight: 20% Fails to identify and apply research concepts/techniques in a business and professional context Explains and applies key research concepts/techniques in a business and professional context Comprehensively explains and applies key research concepts/techniques in a business and professional context Superior comprehensive explanation, application and critical analysis of key research concepts/techniques in a business and professional context
Identify and obtain research data
Weight: 20% Fails to identify obtain relevant research data

Identifies and obtains relevant research data or can demonstrate hypothetically
Comprehensively identifies and obtains relevant research data or can demonstrate hypothetically
Comprehensively identifies and obtains relevant research data from a range of sources and critically analyzes these sources for currency and reliability or can demonstrate hypothetically
Analyze research data
Weight: 20% Fails to analyze research data logically and meaningfully
Demonstrates robust knowledge of the research process and analysis techniques Demonstrates advanced knowledge of the research process, analysis techniques drawing appropriate conclusions Demonstrates superior knowledge of the research process, techniques critical, analysis and synthesis drawing appropriate conclusions
Use clear and fluent written skills to effectively and appropriately communicate with an audience showing focus, purpose and knowledge of aims and objectives
Weight: 10% Report contains communication which is unclear with poor focus and purpose showing little knowledge of aims and objectives
Report contains clear communication with some demonstration of focus, purpose and knowledge of aims and objectives

Report contains clear communication is demonstrating sound focus, purpose and intent
Report contains superior communication demonstrating excellence in knowledge of focus, purpose and intent

Use clear and fluent written skills to effectively and appropriately communicate with an audience demonstrating logic, knowledge of context, theory, application, critical analyses and synthesis
Weight: 10% Report contains unclear communication with poor logic and context knowledge and no evidence of theory, application, critical analysis and synthesis

Report contains clear communication with some demonstration of logic and context knowledge, some evidence of theory and application with minor evidence of critical analysis and synthesis
Report contains clear communication demonstrating sound logic and context knowledge, robust evidence of theory and application with clear evidence of critical analysis and synthesis
Report contains superior communication demonstrating excellence in knowledge of context, theory and application, critical analysis and synthesis

Use clear and fluent written skills to effectively and appropriately communicate with an audience following a range of discipline-specific academic and/or professional conventions
Weight: 10% Report contains unclear communication and fails to demonstrate any discipline-specific academic and/or professional conventions

Report contains clear communication with some demonstration of discipline-specific academic and/or professional conventions
Report contains clear communication demonstrating sound adherence to discipline-specific academic and/or professional conventions
Report contains superior communication demonstrating excellence in utilizing discipline-specific academic and/or professional conventions

Use clear and fluent written skills to effectively and appropriately communicate with an audience adhering to fundamental syntax protocols, spelling and punctuation
Weight: 10% Report contains unclear communication with poor syntax, spelling and punctuation errors
Report contains clear communication with some syntax, spelling and punctuation errors

Report contains clear communication demonstrating a sound knowledge of writing mechanics, i.e. syntax, spelling and punctuation errors
Report contains superior communication demonstrating excellence in knowledge and application of writing mechanics, i.e. syntax, spelling and punctuation errors
Total /100

Framework for Research Report Content (8000 words) – sections ‘c’ to ‘i’ will be similar to that of the research proposal.
a. Title – Does it accurately describe the report?
b. Abstract – Is it representative of the report?
c. Introduction – Does it make the purpose of the report clear?
d. Statement of the problem – Is the problem properly introduced?
e. Purpose of the study – Has the reason for conducting the research been explained?
f. Research question(s) – Is/are research question(s) clearly defined and if not, should they be?
g. Theoretical framework – Is the theoretical framework described? If there is not a theoretical framework, should there be?
h. Literature review – Is the literature review relevant to the study, comprehensive, and include recent research? Does the literature review support the need for the study?
i. Methods – Is the design appropriate for the study? Does the sample fit with the research design and is the size sufficient? Was a data collection instrument needed? How were data collected? Were reliability and validity accounted for?
j. Analysis – Is the analytical approach consistent with the study questions and research design?
k. Results – Are the results presented clearly in the text, tables and figures? Are the statistics clearly explained?
l. Discussion – Are the results explained in relationship to the theoretical framework, research questions, and the significance to the area of study?
m. Limitations – Are the limitations presented and their implications discussed?
n. Conclusion – Are there recommendations for practice, future research, and policymakers?
o. References
p. Appendices
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions