Specific to ASE and the GED
May 23, 2020
Essays writing services
May 23, 2020

Film: After Innocence

(Netflix both streaming and DVD, on reserve at Ayala Library)

A compelling film showing the callous disregard some states have for people whose freedom was lost because of flaws in evidence. This is the story of seven men released from prison after DNA proved them innocent. But the story doesn’t end there.

At the end of your documentary review, connecting the film to course content, please address these questions.

1.    What is the Innocence Project?

2.    Compare the difference in the post-release treatment of the exonerated versus those on parole?

3.    Why do you think prosecutors are so adamant to deny prisoners who have been exonerated with new evidence?

4.    Do you think the government is to blame for wrongful convictions?  Why or why not?

5.    What do you think the government should do for these people when they are released?

6.    Here is a website with more stories:  http://truthinjustice.org/tjf.htm
Look up one story and write a brief paragraph about the case and what happened after exoneration.