An Investigation into The Impact of Perceived Stress on Students and The Differences Amongst College And University Students’ Age and Gender
September 12, 2020
Organization Description
September 12, 2020

File Transfer Protocol

1. What is a grid and how is it used in relationship to a web page? 2. What are the four (4) design principles that you should follow when developing your web site, and how is each defined? 3. What are the benefits of using a text editor to create a website? 4. What are the steps to find the source code? 5. Identify and explain three (3) common types of navigation used on the most popular Websites? 6. List and explain two (2) ways to break up lengthy HTML pages? 7. What are the benefits of diagramming your site before you begin coding? 8. To what does the phrase “Flexible Design” refer? 9. How can we improve on existing websites? 10. What is a Wireframe used for in Web design? You should write one (1) to two (2) strong paragraphs, using complete sentences, and appropriate grammar. Statements requesting lists should include an introductory sentence or two (2) to set the background for your response.