Title or Name of Your Work
Assignment begins (no cover Page, no more than 8 lines down from where your name is). The page must be on time, have your personal information as shown above, 1” margins all the way around, and meet the minimum length requirements JUST TO BE ACCEPTED. If they do not meet the minimum requirements, you will not receive a grade, and there are NO LATE PAPERS OR REWRITES ALLOWED. You do not need to include a bibliography or table of contents. They will be graded first on this format. You will be given 2 points for each of the following:
assignment name and title of work), and proper 1” margins (2 pts)
• Writing Proficiency: Each full page of narrative (2 pts)
IF you have 4 full pages of narrative, this will give you 10 points to begin with. From thatpoint on I will begin to look carefully at the following in this order, and deduct the points below if the paper does not meet the following:
• Does it have proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc. (if not, -2 pts)
• Does it attempt to use literary techniques (if not, -2 pts)
• Creative content (if not, -2 pts)