Rights-based, Interest-based, principle-based, and manipulation-based approaches
May 17, 2020
Nine film reviews
May 17, 2020

Females in a gang structure

Paper instructions:
prepare a 5-7 page paper that will explain the role of females in a gang structure, including victimization.  Paper will be completed in APA format.
All papers are to be typed, spell checked and grammar-checked, and well- written, with a logical flow of thought. Submit double spaced with 1€³ margins, and

prepared in the APA format found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed.). Papers should be in 12-pitch Times New Roman font.

Indent paragraphs five spaces (1/2) to indicate a new paragraph. One double-space between paragraphs.  Please include a title, abstract and reference page on all

paper assignments.  Although numbered, the title, abstract and reference pages do not count toward the required number of content pages.