Feature story for publication Academic Essay

Feature story for publication Academic Essay

Research the incident and provide factual information within your story (you do not need to use APA format for your story, but you must provide a list of your resources on a separate page of your story).
Create the “survivor” story by pretending that you interviewed the person described in your selected scenario. Details of the incident should be factual, but details of their personal story are up to you. You may use direct quotes as if you had actually interviewed the person. These should be made up quotations, but potentially true if you had really interviewed someone.
What happened?
How did the person handle it
What were they feeling/thinking
What did they do to survive?
Were there any regrets?
Was there anything they would have done differently
What services did you need and what were they? How were you treated?
Any other details you care to include
Explain any details regarding what should/could be done should this scenario ever happen again. Information on these types of incidents should be based upon research and factual information. Scholarly sources must be used for this particular section. List your resources on a separate page.
Describe a “moral of the story” conclusion as a general message to the public.

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Posted on May 29, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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