fashion product management-case study

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fashion product management-case study

fashion product management-case study
Order Description
Case Study Report

Utilising the online Marks and Spencer (M&S) case study provided and your own research you will be required discuss the following issues.

Marks and Spencer Case Study pp.60-63
Notes: Although many of the facts you will need are within the Case Study, further research must be undertaken from other sources to also support your discussion. Do not just regurgitate the information you have been given.

? Report Format: Title page, Introduction, Body (Q&A format), Conclusion, Reference List, Appendix (as required) INCLUDE ? student name & number

? Research: You are expected to undertake supporting research and utilise of theory from a selection of course materials, websites, journals, marketing/fashion texts.

? Plagiarism: Acknowledgment of your of your research references must be cited within the report and also Reference List using the Harvard Referencing System. Plagiarism is taken seriously and you may be penalised for not referencing correctly.