Family health Academic Essay

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Family health Academic Essay


What did you discover about smoking in the family? Assess their knowledge, attitude and habits. Based on what you found, what advice would you give to the family and what recommendations would you make to reduce smoking in the general population?


Report on safety in the family. Include their experience of accidents causing injury, if any; and an evaluation of the family’s knowledge, attitude and habits from the interview and observation. Did you observe unsafe behaviour, equipment or structures? If so, explain. Were any essential items of safety equipment missing from the home, and if so why? What advice would you give to the family and what recommendations would you make to reduce injury in the general population?

What did you find out about food safety in this household? Were standards of food safety good? Discuss examples of good and bad practice that you observed. Is food safety an important health issue for this family and for the population as a whole? Give your reasons.

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions