Part 1: Exposure Assessment Case Study Read the attached file Cross-sectional Exposure Assessment of Environmental Contaminants in Churchill County, Nevada by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2003).Order DescriptionThis assignment is in two parts:Part 1: Exposure Assessment Case StudyRead the attached file Cross-sectional Exposure Assessment of Environmental Contaminants in Churchill County, Nevada by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2003). Use this case study to complete the attached Exposure Assessment form.Part 2: Risk Assessment Case StudyRead Illness Associated with Drift of Chloropicrin Soil Fumigant Into a Residential Area Kern County, California, 2003. Use this case study to complete the attached Risk Assessment assignment.
Please note: Textbook to be used is Essentials of environmental health 2nd edition by Friis, R.H. (2012) ISBN 13:9780763778903Exposure Assessment Case Study
(60 points)Directions: After reading the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention case study, as assigned in Module 5 Readings, answer the questions.Case Study: Cross-sectional Exposure Assessment of Environmental Contaminants in Churchill County, Nevada by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at Identify the agent:_____________________________________________________2) What type of agent is described?
0 biological
0 chemical3) Source:
0 anthropogenic 0 non-anthropogenic
0 area 0 point
0 stationary 0 mobile
0 indoor 0 outdoor4) Transport/carrier medium:
0 air
0 water
0 soil
0 dust
0 food product item5) Exposure pathways:
0 eating contaminated food
0 breathing contaminated air
0 touching a contaminated surface
0 drinking contaminated water6) Exposure concentration:
0 mg/kg (food) 0 mg/litre (water)
0 ug/m3 (air) 0 ug/cm3 (contaminated surfaces)
0 % by weight 0 fibres/m3 (air)7) Exposure route:
0 inhalation 0 dermal contact
0 ingestion 0 multiple routes8) Exposure frequency:
0 continuous 0 intermittent
0 cyclic 0 random
0 rare9) Exposure duration:
0 seconds 0 minutes
0 hours 0 days
0 weeks 0 months
0 years 0 lifetime10) Exposure setting:
0 occupational 0 non-occupational
0 residential 0 non-residential
0 indoors 0 outdoors11) Exposed population:
0 general population
0 population subgroups
0 individuals12) Geographic scope:
0 site 0 specific
0 local 0 regional
0 national 0 international
0 globalRisk Assessment
(60 points)Directions: Use the case study to provide answers to the following questions.Case Study: Illness Associated With Drift of Chloropicrin Soil Fumigant Into a Residential AreaKern County, California, 2003, located on p. 154 of the textbook1) Issue Identification
a) What is causing the identified problem?
b) Why is the problem a problem?
c) How was the problem initially identified?
d) What are the public perceptions of the hazard?
2) Hazard Identification
a) What types of adverse health effects might be caused by the problem?
b) How quickly and for what duration might the problem be experienced?
3) Dose Response Assessment
a) Evaluate both qualitative and quantitative toxicity information to estimate the incidence of adverse effects occurring in humans at different exposure levels.
4) Exposure Assessment for the Relevant Population
a) Determine the frequency, magnitude, extent, duration, and character of exposures to the hazard.
5) Risk Characterization
a) Detail the nature and potential incidence of effects for the exposure conditions described in the exposure assessment.PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT