Explore this and other web sites and answer the following ten questions on Mars – http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/

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October 15, 2020
Thesis Writing Guide
October 15, 2020

Explore this and other web sites and answer the following ten questions on Mars – http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/

Answer the following ten questions.

1. Are geologic processes, as we know them on Earth, occurring on Mars at the present time? Review the most recent Mars images from the orbiting cameras. and find three examples that support your answer.

2. Explore the “Spirit and Opportunity” mission which is still under way on Mars. Briefly describe the purpose of the mission and three things learned about the planets surface.

3. Explore the most recent mission to Mars. Briefly describe the purpose of the mission the equipment used and the success of the mission. What does the sucess of the mission mean in terms of maned exploration to Mars.

4. Explore the MOLA or any other shaded relief map of Mars. Locate and identify the highest mountain. Determine the height of this mountain and its origin. Why do you think the mountain was able to reach this remarkable height.

5. Review the web site and find and interesting image of the planet’s surface and describe the area of the image in detail.

6. Review the recent images on the finding of water on Mars. Describe the location on Mars and the evidence used by scientists to determine that water was present.

7. Describe the polar Martian terrain based the orbiting camera image of your selection (Note these images are relatively new to all) . Include what you believe are the geologic or atmospheric processes involved your terrain’s formation.

8. Search the web site and discover how scientists determine that a meteorite found on Earth is from Mars?

9. Find on the web, a virtual tour of the Valles Marineris. Describe your tour and the topography seen and as well the geologic events that possibly created this amazing feature.

10. Review the information presented concerning manned space missions to Mars. Based on your review do believe that this mission will occur. Discuss your reasons for