Explore the differences between clinical and personal recovery via the depiction of the lived experience in O’Hagan, Mary (2014): Madness Made Me. What are Recovery principles? How are these different from Clinical Recovery?
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Explore the differences between clinical and personal recovery via the depiction of the lived experience in O’Hagan, Mary (2014): Madness Made Me New Zealand: Open Box Press
What are Recovery principles? How are these different from Clinical Recovery? Give examples from the Stories of Janet Version one and two. (pp221-228). These are available here.
Read the autobiography : O’Hagan, Mary (2014): Madness Made Me New Zealand: Open Box Press
Mary O’Hagan is a former Mental Health Commissioner from New Zealand who has written this memoir of her Lived Experience of Mental Health problems. These problems became distressing during her university studies and led to admission to mental health services. These experiences led her to consider the essential elements of Recovery and how this contrasts with clinical recovery.
Read closely the two stories of Janet (Version 1 p221 and Version 2 p225). These are available below as a PDF extract.
The reference sources must be within 5 years.