ExplainThe Warning and Bush advisors during the 2008 Financial Crisis.

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ExplainThe Warning and Bush advisors during the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Source: www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/warning
Or simply search FrontlineThe WarningThe Written Assignment is worth 40 Points and is due on November
11th. Written Assignment will consist of your watching the PBS Frontline
Special entitled The Warning which details the battle between
Brooksley Born and the Senior Financial Advisors of the Clinton
Administration regarding the potential dangers and the need to regulate
derivative contracts.
In addition to the program itself, there is additional material, including a
number of interviews available at the website. You should use these
resources as well as any others that you may find that help complete the
assignment. At a minimum, you must use two additional sources other
than those contained in the video.
By November 11th at 8:00 AM (Beginning of class) you should submit a
paper that is at least four pages in length (typed and double
spaced),which discusses the background and details of The Warning.
Among the topics I would expect to be part of the paper are the role of
Alan Greenspan and his philosophy on free markets, the role that the
crisis of Long Term Capital Management played or did not play in
getting attention focused on the problem. I will give you wide latitude in
terms of other topics you might want to cover that come up in the video
but can be further researched e.g. the overlap of senior advisors from the
Clinton Administration during The Warning and Bush advisors during
the 2008 Financial Crisis.
The grading of the paper will be based on your ability to summarize and
identify key issues, the use of additional sources and the presentation
and expression of your own opinions. As previously mentioned, proper
spelling, use of grammar, punctuation etc. will be a component of the