Explain why you choose PowerPoint and why this meets the needs of your audience.

Consider the impact of the meaningful use criteria of the HITECH legislation on the adoption of health information technology.
August 3, 2020
Write a brief movie review for your campus newspaper on super size me ( movie)
August 6, 2020

Explain why you choose PowerPoint and why this meets the needs of your audience.

Using PowerPoint design a lesson that would be appropriate for Physical Education students grades 9th and10th. In a separate paper, describe the audience ( Grades 9th & 10th ) for the presentation and the context in which the Preresentation will be used. Also list the learning outcomes for the lesson and how they will be assessed. Explain why you choose PowerPoint and why this meets the needs of your audience. Your rationale should use citations to support your choices.
Added on 02.11.2015 22:15
Lesson on basketball