Explain which areas you think most describe you, such as your race, religion, family, gender, age, hobbies, occupation, or other area.

Do Computers Have Negative Effects on Family and/or Social Relationships?
March 11, 2020
Download this quiz. Answer the questions and e-mail it back to [email protected] by Saturday midnight of the FIFTEENTH WEEK OF CLASSES. (DEC 13.)
March 11, 2020

Explain which areas you think most describe you, such as your race, religion, family, gender, age, hobbies, occupation, or other area.

We all have reference groups with whom we identify and make up our identity (who we are.) We have discussed perceptual worldviews. Write an essay in which you explain which areas you think most describe you, such as your race, religion, family, gender, age, hobbies, occupation, or other area. How would you describe the group that most fit you? What aspects make you unique? What would describe where you come from, as far your community or reference group (family, nationality, student, age group, etc). You may mention up to three areas for each one.