Explain the major differences between the oxygenated and deoxygenated states of hemoglobin

Accounting & Finance for Managers III
July 4, 2020
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July 4, 2020

Explain the major differences between the oxygenated and deoxygenated states of hemoglobin

Question details:


208.5.3-01: Construct a model to demonstrate the physiological roles of a specified oxygen-carrying protein.

208.5.3-02: Diagram the differences in chemical structure between myoglobin and hemoglobin that lead to their unique functions.

208.5.3-03: Demonstrate the major differences in the oxygenated and deoxygenated states of hemoglobin.

208.5.3-04: Demonstrate how sickle-cell anemia is an example of a genetically transmitted molecular disease.

208.5.3-05: Use the Bohr effect to explain loading and unloading of oxygen by hemoglobin.


Hemoglobin is an essential protein necessary for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. Biochemists study the molecular activities necessary for the exchange and transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body cells and lungs.

As a biochemist you have been asked to design a presentation for students studying to be laboratory technologists on hemoglobin.


Design a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote) to teach laboratory technology students about hemoglobin and genetically transmitted molecular disease. Your presentation will be composed of two parts:

Note: Please save presentation documents as *.ppt (PowerPoint) or *.pdf (Portable Document Format) files.When submitting a *.ppt file, please also submit a *.rtf or *.doc file of the text in order to check originality.

A. Hemoglobin

1. Create an original model of hemoglobin that shows how oxygen is carried by the molecule.

Note: You can use ribbon, pipe cleaners or similar materials. Then photograph the model and submit it as an attachment.

2. Explain the major differences between the oxygenated and deoxygenated states of hemoglobin.

3. Describe the Bohr effect for the association and disassociation of oxygen and hemoglobin.

a. Create an original diagram that demonstrates the relationship between oxygen affinity and pH.

Note: Draw the diagram with colored pencils and scan it in. You can then submit the diagram as an attachment.

4. Create original diagrams that compare the biochemical structure of hemoglobin to myoglobin.

a. Clearly label diagrams to show the comparison.

B. Sickle cell anemia

1. Provide two diagrams that meet the following requirements:

• A diagram that demonstrates the molecular (amino acid) difference between normal and sickle forms of hemoglobin.

• A diagram that demonstrates the difference between normal and sickle red blood cells at the cellular level.

Note: If you use diagrams from the Internet or other resources, be sure to cite them in APA format.

2. Describe how the diseased cells are different from normal red blood cells in the context of their capacity to carry oxygen.

3. Explain the molecular inheritance of sickle cell anemia.

a. Use diagrams to demonstrate your explanation.

C. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.