Explain the circumstances under which the attentional blink can be eliminated.

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Explain the circumstances under which the attentional blink can be eliminated.

There are many stimuli in your environment of which you are not aware. You use attention to filter out unimportant stimuli and focus on relevant stimuli. However, there are circumstances under which you cannot perceive stimuli, regardless of how hard you pay attention. One situation is when visual stimuli are presented in quick succession. If the interval between the two stimuli is short enough, you do not perceive the second stimulus. This lapse in attention is known as attentional blink. In this assignment, you will experience the attentional blink for yourself and will also read about practical implications of the phenomenon.Access the CogLab demonstrationAttentional Blink. Follow the instructions to complete the demonstration.Read the following article:Using the experience from the CogLab demonstration and information from the article, write a paper that addresses the following: