Explain the causes of the 2012 SMRT bus drivers’ strike

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July 9, 2020

Explain the causes of the 2012 SMRT bus drivers’ strike

1. Please apply for this assignment only if you can

b) know how to write THESIS statements
c) not afraid to offer opinions, critical thinking etc
d) MUST READ ALL sources/readings/materials etc uploaded
e) MUST know frame works like PESTEL,Unions,Strikes in asian country like Singapore etc.

This is an argumentative paper BUT 2 THESIS statement MUST be written for this essay. Critical thinking skills MUST be applied and opinions MUST be given with proof/reference.
(If you think you cannot meet any of the expectations above,please do not apply for this assignment)

Title of the essay:

Explain the causes of the 2012 SMRT bus drivers’ strike. Which theory or theories of industrial conflict, if any, can best explain that strike? Justify your answer.
