Explain the basis for the symptoms

Describe uses and effects of microbes for man
April 6, 2020
The cdc & nih that includes 14 area counties
April 7, 2020

Explain the basis for the symptoms

1. Robert, a smoker, is 52 years old. He has elevated blood pressure, in part, due to an elevated erythrocyte count. Knowing that smokers often have reduced plasma O2 levels, explain in detail (in a paragraph) why his erythrocyte count is elevated.

1-a. One treatment for hemolytic disease of the newborn is the slow replacement of the newborns blood. The replacement blood must be Rh^(-) even though the infants’ blood is Rh^(+). Why?

1-b. Helen has hepatitis, which disrupts liver function. List four symptoms that she might experience based on the roles of the liver relative to the blood. Explain the basis for the symptoms as they relate to liver function.