Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the supply chain used in the Japanese auto industry before the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

Choosing a Coding System
June 26, 2020
Categorize the major steps Ford took to rebuild itself into four hypotheses on the firm-level strategy- resources, knoweldge/ cabilities, integration/
June 26, 2020

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the supply chain used in the Japanese auto industry before the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

The final assignment for the course is a Final Paper on two cases. The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The paper should be at least 10 pages in length and integrate readings, scholarly references, and course discussions into work and life experiences. It may include an explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as implications for future applications.Read the case study at the end of Chapter 12 and the case study at the end of Chapter 13, and thoroughly answer all the following questions. Supplement your answers with scholarly research using the Ashford Online Library. Each case study should be addressed in at least 5 pages, resulting in a combined Final Paper of at least 10 pages.The Final Paper Construction: