Cultures idealizing thinness, pressure from peers to fit in, and constant images of bodily perfection shown by mass media, along with additional physiological and psychological factors, can combine to create the perfect storm for adolescents struggling with eating disorders. For this Assignment, choose one peer-reviewed research study about eating disorders that focuses on a minority group of adolescents. Consider connections between physiological development, adolescence, and eating (2011). Abigail H. Natenshon: Empowered parents. Retrieved from Cheney, A. M. (2011). Most girls want to be skinny: Body (dis)satisfaction among ethnically diverse women. (10), 13471359.Chapter 6 (pp. 295-332).Dalmage (2013) writes, Parents and teachers should be aware of the unique forms of discrimination faced by multiracial children and the White supremacist system in which discrimination flourishes (p. 101). As social workers, we should be aware of our own understanding of what it means to be multiracial in society. This awareness includes a review of our own potential biases that might exist. We need to challenge our own personal ideas about how we categorize individuals and those assumptions that follow along with those categories. Rather, we must respect our clients experience as a multiracial person in the world, beginning with asking him or her how they would define themselves when completing an intake or assessment form. Further, a social worker must be aware of the many forms of racism and prejudice a person with a multiracial background might experience. As Dalmage discusses, judgment comes from many sides with different intentions and expectations. Being aware of the particular forms of racism that a person who is multiracial will experience will give you the ability to do your best to understand their experience and empathize.Johnson, N. L. (2009). (Order No. 3400147). Available from ProQuest Central. (304927059). Retrieved from Williams, R. F. (2009). Black-white biracial students in american schools: A review of the literature.(2), 776-804. Retrieved from