Part 1 (approximately 11.5 pages, total):Copy and paste the following examples (AF below), then respond by classifying each of the following variables as either: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Provide a brief explanation where indicated.Part 2: Statistics (1/2 page)Given what youve learned in this module about the meaning of statistics, choose one of the examples from Part I (A-F), and raise a relevant question of your own that could be answered by a statistician. Then without answering your own question, explain how a pattern could be studied or a useful prediction made based on data that are to be collected.Part 3: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data (approximately 11.5 pages)A health scientist wishes to measure how well participants diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are coping. Explain how a variable such as coping could be measured quantitatively or qualitatively.Use the information in the modular background readings as well as resources you find through ProQuest or other online sources. Please be sure to cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper. Submit the paper as a Word document through the link provided for the assignment.Length: 23 pages typed and double-spaced. With 1 inch marginsCook, A., Netuveli, G., & Sheikh, A. (2004). . London, GBR: Class Publishing.. Available in Ebrary, accessed via Tridents online library.Norman, G., and Streiner, D. (2008). Chapter The First: The Basics. (pages 2-6). Biostatistics The Bare Essentials. 3 Edition. BC Decker Inc. PMPH USA, Ltd. Shelton, CT.