explai African Islamic Slaves in Antebellum America: A More Valuable Commodity?

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June 25, 2020
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June 25, 2020

explai African Islamic Slaves in Antebellum America: A More Valuable Commodity?

Order DescriptionI need this paper to be about whether African slaves in early America were valued more highly than regular slaves due to education, upbringing etc.Below is some sources I found and would probably like to have included in the paper and bibliography.Alford, Terry. Prince among Slaves: The True Story of An African Prince Sold into
Slavery in the American South. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.Austin, Allen. African Muslims in Antebellum America: Transatlantic Stories and
Spiritual Struggles. New York: Routledge, 1997.Buhnen, Stephan, Place Names as an Historical Source: An Introduction with
Examples from Southern Senegambia and Germany, in History in Africa, Vol.
19 (1992): pp. 45-101Diouf, Silviane A,Servants of Allah: African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas NewYork: New York University Press, 1998. Print p. 254.Gomez, Michael. Muslims in Early America. The Journal of Southern History 60
(November, 1994): 671-710.Foard, John Frederick, A True Story of an African Prince in a Southern Home, North
America and Africa: Their Past, Present and Future, and Key to The Negro
Problem, Statesville, NC: Brady, 1904lford, Terry, Prince Among Slaves, 30th Anniversary Ed., New York: Oxford UP, 2007.Pederson, Erin, Like a Stone thrown in still water : A historiography of African
Muslims in early America, Copyright 2004 by the University Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.The History and Culture of Futa Toro, Senegal and Mauritania, African Online
Digital Library, 5 October 2007.Turner, Richard. Islam in the African-American Experience, 2nd ed. Indianapolis,
Indiana University Press, 2003.
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